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Friday, March 29, 2013

Weekend ride

Date: Saturday March 30, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Time: 9:30am

This weekends ride will be an early one. Try to get out while the ground is hopefully still hard.

Fingers crossed for this one........

See everyone there

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cheap Fox Stuff

Anyone who hit up Aurora Action sports, this company bought them out, and thier inventory.
I haven't ordered anything as of yet, but probably going to try and see.

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: Wednesday March 27, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Well Tyler, Johnny, Mike and Max kept the wednesday nights going again.  This was one of the harder rides we have done all season.  With the warmer temperatures during the day, the snow was nice and soft.... It was definetly a good workout thats for sure.

The Slow sign definetely described the ride for sure!

We did however power through and decide to get back to the ridge and ride some singletrack... the things we do for singletrack!!  Pushed through crap snow to ride 0.5km of trail, but the smiles during that 0.5km was great!!!!!

The temperature was nice, about 1 or 2 degrees, and we didn't have to use lights.  On our tour we came across some critter tracks as well....

It is a sign that we are getting closer to singletrack riding!

Comment of the Ride: "It's a Fat Bi-icicle"

Fat Tire Trail Report: 2.5 out of 5

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Date: Wednesday March 27th, 2013
Time: 6pm ride start
Location: Dufferin forest (Upper parking lot)

Hi All,

Gonna try riding in Mansfield this week again.  Seems to be the best these days for riding.

Not sure what the conditions will be like with the little snow we received, but only one way to find out!

See everyone tomorrow.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: Sudnay March 25th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Beautiful day for a ride / run, but the trails had been better for sure.  Tyler Johnny and Max rode, whereas Jenny and Karen ran the same loop.

The trails had a lot of people / horse traffic on them so it was a very bumpy ride... and the conditions of the trails were okay, still a chug to push through the snow, but it was rideable.

We had to ride in the same tracks as we rode on Wednesday night to stay ontop of the snow and keep good momentum.

Stayed up on the fireroad trails in Dufferin forest.  Did again however jump onto some single track along the ridge by the snow fence.  Where there is exposed south facing trail they were bare!! a good sign of what will be to come for the riding season which is fast approaching us.

At the end of the day we rode about 10km, over the span of 1.5hrs..... legs were pretty tired by the end of the day....


We then headed to Johnny and Karens palace or team van go headquarters for a pint around the fire and a BBQ...

During this time we also made some plans which people will be informed of as soon as we finalize them.. which may be this week... to be continued.....

Fat Tire Trail Rating: 3 out of 5

Friday, March 22, 2013

Homage to Ice

Hi All,


This should get everyone from Team Van Go out for the race now. No excuses!

Date: April 20th, 2013


All should be registered or planning on registering for the Homage to Ice.

Need to get a strong Team Van Go, and Team Van Go Fat showing.

I'll put a reminder out again closer to the date.

Weekend Ride

Sunday March 24th, 2013
Time: ride start time - 10:30
Location: Dufferin Forest, Upper parking lot

Hi All,

This weekend's ride might be our last snow ride due to the warming weather trend... lets hope anyways.  Gonna probably stick to the fireroads again with the chance to jump onto some singletrack... maybe....

Ride start will be at 10:30am .... if it changes the blog will be updated... I know it's early, but we need to hit the trails when they are still a little crusty....

Breakfast 9am at the country cabin... also gonna go to johnnys palace afterwards for a pint by the fire and maybe a bbq...

See everyone Sunday.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: March 20th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

It was a ride.... one of the tougher rides of the winter... Johnny Tyler and Max did the shorter loop in Dufferin Forest... Tried to find spots where you had enough traction and stay on top of the snow to keep chugging along. 

Knew it was going to be a tough ride right out of the gate biking up one of the fire roads.  The snow we had over the last couple of days sat ontop of the harder packed areas... About 2-3 inches of snow to push the bikes through. 

Whoever was leading was breaking trail for the person behind, so it was a back and forth ride.  

The overall ride experience felt like you were climbing a hill the entire time.  there was little to no time to coast....

We did again however jump onto some singletrack along the ridge above the outdoor centre.. Didn't cross into the outdoor centre... but we did follow some deer tracks for as long as we could.  it was a nice break from the fire road for sure. 

At the hour mark both of us were pretty much toasted and we were close enough to the cars to decide that we had enough and the beer was close....

A positive for the ride was that we were able to have a beer in the parking lot in the day light.

Cheers to the first spring ride of the season.... it didn't feel like spring though....

Fat Tire Trail Rating: 3 out of 5

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Homage To Ice

Hi All,

Date: April 7th, 2013


All should be registered or planning on registering for the Homage to Ice.

Need to get a strong Team Van Go, and Team Van Go Fat showing.

I'll put a reminder out again closer to the date.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Date: Wednesday March 20th, 2013
Time: 6pm ride start
Location: Dufferin forest (Upper parking lot)

Hi All,

Gonna try riding in Mansfield this week again.  Seems to be the best these days for riding.

Not sure what the conditions will be like with the little snow we received, but only one way to find out!

See everyone tomorrow.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: March 17th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Another great ride!!! Mike, Tyler, Johnny and Max rode, whereas Karen and Jenny ran.  Weather was chilly with the 10:30am ride start, but you definitely warmed up quickly! The sun peeked out every once and a while, and some flurries the other times of the ride.

Trails had a nice layer of crust on them which allowed the fat bikes to stay on top of the snow, and it was very fast!!!

Nothing too crazy happened during the ride... we came across some sections of fresh powder which the fat bikes were able to carve up...

We did however ride SINGLETRACK..... somewhat... near the snowfence there was a short section of single track that we could ride... no snow on t he trail, and the section in typical mansfield fashion was dry!!

The section was short lived but it does give hope to the singletrack riding season starting soon... except for the snow that we are due to get over the next couple days.....

The overall ride itself was great, as discussed during the ride, the winter itself has been one of the more fun winters with regards to riding and pure enjoyment...

End of the ride we were able to relax in the sun by the cars for the post ride beer... still chilly to get changed in the parking lot but hopefully the warm weather will come soon and make the stripping down a little more bearable....

Comment of the Ride: "I think my bikes broken....." "Whats wrong" "The Rider"

Fat Tire Trail Rating: 5 out of 5

Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Ride

Sunday March 17th, 2013 (St. Paddys Day)
Time: 10:30am ride start
Location: Dufferin Forest, Upper parking lot

Hi All,

This weekend's ride is going to be the same as what Johnny and Tyler did on Wednesday.  With the weather the way it has been, trail conditions should be pretty favourable.

Karen will be doing a run at the same time as the ride.

Ride start will be at 10:30am... I know it's early, but being st. paddys day, there are some plans for the afternoon, so this was the only way to get out.

Also, Johnny and Karen will be doing breakfast at the Country Cabin at 9am for anyone that is interested.  If you do plan on going, let Johnny know so the table size can be reserved.

See everyone Sunday.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Wednesday Night Ride
Dufferin Forest
March 13th, 20123

Tyler, Johnny and Max kept the dream alive with yet another ride at Mansfield.  Tried a bit of a different loop as we had light for 90% of the ride!!!!

The trail conditions were really good for the fat bikes, skinny bikes would not have as much fun as even we were breaking through the crust every once and a while.  This weekend may be a bit different if it stays cold though!

We rode a lot of different trails through Dufferin forest, trying to stay on trails where the snowmobiles had ridden as it was packed down enough to keep the bikes up on plain....

There was however some spots that were a tad wet.... every once and a while the sound of the tires went quiet, and you knew you were on ice and just waiting for the inevitable of breaking through....

All in all the ride was great, 2hr,  21km... can't complain about that!

Comment of the Ride: "Ice Ice Baby"

Fat Tire Trail Rating: 4.25 out of 5

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fat Bike Race Video

Hi All,

Check out the below link.

Date Tuesday March 12th at the 13:44 they have a news artical on the fat bike race.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Date: Wednesday March 13th, 2013
Time: 6pm ride start
Location: Dufferin forest (Upper parking lot)

Hi All,

Gonna try riding in Mansfield this week.  Depending on the weather, the snowmobile trails may be in great shape for skinny and fat tires.  If the temperatures drop off and crust the top layer we should be good to to.

Also, with the time change no lights til almost 8pm!!!! The light hump is almost behind us!

See everyone tomorrow.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Race Report

Fatty Frost Cross
Saturday March 9th, 2013

Johnny, Tyler and Don competed in the inaugural Fatty Frost Cross race at Hardwood Hills... This event was the first in Canada for a Fat Bike race!!!

Weather was warm, sunny and just an all around beautiful day... This however made the course very soft and a hard push.....

The race consisted of riding on the cross country ski trails, and some fresh tracks on the BMX course that Hardwood hills has....  Fresh tracks is a bit of an understatement as the BMX section was near impossible to get through and you had to walk the majority of it.

You also had to walk the majority of the uphills...  A few were rideable but were tough to get up for sure.

The race was a 2 hour event with as many laps you could complete... Prior to the race, Johnny and Tyler decided to make a pit stop at the half way point for a refreshment, in the form of a beer!

The speakers were mounted to both Tyler and Johnnys bike, which was a great conversation piece when catching and passing people... Got good reviews from everyone we talked to... And the starting song for the race was Neil Diamond, Sweet Caroline!!! good song to stick into everyones head at the start...

CTV was on site videoing some parts of the race, and Johnny became famous, snowing the camera!!

At the end of the day Johnny finished 5th, and Tyler 2nd, by default Team Van Go has it's first Podium, Don had a bit more of a rough day, but was understandable as conditions were not ideal....

Thanks to our Sherpas, Em Karen Julie and Max for watching us suffer for the 2 hours... Max was not a fan of the group of riders leaving him behind either.....

Race Score: 4 out of 5... could have been a 5 if the conditions were better, but the race was a fun event and low key.