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Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekend Activity

Date: Sunday February 2nd, 2014
Time: TBD

Snowshoe at some location... so really we are doing something on Sunday probably around lunch time, at some location.....

i'll post more details when i get them!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mike's Intense coming back to Life

I know it's the end of January, but there is some hope that Spring is coming soon.....


We are getting ever so closer to the website being up and running.

Stay tuned and I'll let you know once it's going.

The blog will be moved onto the website so all the information that is on here will be there!!

Thanks to Kathy for all her hard work on it as well!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: Saturday January 25, 2014
Location: Mixed.... you'll see below

Riders: Tyler, Don, Johnny and Awesome Mike

We started our journey up to Horseshoe valley to try out the trails there.  When we arrived at Horseshoe we were told that we could only ride on the snowshoe trails as the cross country trails would be too soft for fat bikes.

So we paid our 16$ and headed out.... we tried the first part of snowshoe trail, and there only had been 1 person on them... so that wasn't going to happen... we popped back in and they told us to try the trails on the other side of the road where Copeland Forest is.  so we headed over there, and again, not going to happen.  They were very nice, refunded our money and we then headed over to Midhurst (School Board Trails) off of Hwy 26.

We did have a slight delay on the drive over to Midhurst, as Mike took Hwy 400 south where the rest of us stayed west on Horseshoe valley road.  Once mike turned around and made a few more wrong turns out convoy could continue.

Lucky for us Don is a guru guide at the Midhurst trails, and they were in excellent shape!  With a lot of hiker, snowshoer, biker and xc skier traffic, the trails were packed down really nicely and allowed us to ride single track again.  Which was a great change from riding xc ski trails or snowmobile trails.

The nice part of the Midhurst trails is that there is no real nasty hills, and there is the odd feature to play on.

All in all we had a great day of riding, and invite anyone to join us!  The more the merrier on the trails.

Ride Rating: 4.15 out of 5

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Ride

Today's ride will be at horseshoe.
Called them up and its good to go.

11am at the Nordic centre

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dufferin Forest Management Plan

First off, thanks you to everyone that completed the survey for the Management Plan. The results were excellent! 

Quick numbers: 
Primary use question: Mountain Biking:404, Equestrian: 198, Hiking: 95
Secondary use: Hiking:220, Mountain Biking:149, Equestrian:71

From these results it is quite clear that mountain biking is the prime activity in the Dufferin Forest main tract.

The County is now requesting public input by phone. The number to call is 1-877-941-7787. If we could keep this going by phoning in that would be a great help. The main focus is to generate more biking/hiking trails and have the existing single track designated as a MTB and hiking trail and keep the equestrians to the double track (which is currently marked for them). 

If interested here is the info for the public meetings regarding the Management Plan. 

The next meeting of the Advisory Team will be April 15, 7pm at the Sutton Room, 55 Zina Street, Orangeville to discuss the draft forest management plan (this is open to the public, but not for comment). Public open houses to review the draft forest management plan will be May 9, 3-8pm at the Sutton Room and May 10, 10am-4pm at the Dufferin County Museum & Archives.

Another way to provide input is to email 

A good show from the MTB community would be beneficial.

Thanks again for your help! See you out there.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weekend Ride Update

For anyone considering coming out on Saturday, I called Horseshoe Resort, it is best to call ahead and reserve a bike if you are renting one.  The number is below.

1-705-835-2790 ext 1822

Before heading out, check the blog for an update.  If they receive a lot of snow the night before, they may close the trails to biking.  I will be calling first thing in the morning 8:30am to confirm if they are open or closed.

I will post an update Saturday morning here so everyone is aware.


Dufferin Forest Meeting Report

Jeff and Bernie attended the dufferin county forest usage meeting. 
It was interesting listening to all the different user groups defend their right to be in the forest for the next 20 years. 
Our group was very well represented by igor of IMBA. Thanx igor !!

( if you ride a bike , support IMBA) 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homage to Ice - 2014

Date: April 12, 2014
Location: Mansfield
Time: 11:30am for the 25km race

Yes folks it is the first official race of the year... The Homage to Ice put on by Dan and Substance Projects.

Like always, we will be asking for a good TVG turnout.  I'll be putting a reminder out closer to the date, but just want to get it into your calenders sooner rather than later...

Also, if you ride a fat bike, bring it to this race...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Ride - Saturday

Date: Saturday January 25th, 2014
Location: Horseshoe Valley Resort
Time: 11am
Distance: Whatever we feel like

Didn't make it there this past weekend, so we are going to try it again this coming weekend.....

One note, if you dont want to ride, there is Snowshoe trails, and X-country ski trails as well.....

If you want to come out and don't have a Fat Bike, Call Horseshoe Resort to rent one!!!!!  Come out and Try it with us!!

We will be riding the skate trails, with the option of jumping onto the snowshoe trail if they are in good shape.

Cost for Bike Rental: 35$ for 2hr, 45$ for 4hrs.
If you have never ridden a fat bike, then here's your chance.

Call - 855-808-4211

View Larger Map

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Sign at Dufferin

New sign up at Mansfield.
Remember next Tuesday there is a meeting with regards to Dufferin Forest.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fatty Frost Cross is Back!!!!!

Date: March 9th, 2014
Location: Hardwood Hills
Time: TBD

This is the 2nd annual Fatty Frost Cross.... This is an event for fat bikes only.  If you want to try it, we can see if we can borrow a bike for you.

Typically it was a 2hr race, and how ever many laps you can do in the time.... and it's on the skate trails so they are groomed... Last year was a trudge... tough slug... but a lot of fun, with a Beer break at the mid way point.....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Friday Night - Mono Pub

Date: Friday January 17th, 2013
Location: Mono Pub
Time: whenever you wanna show up...

Hi All,
Ann is playing again this week at the mono pub.  I think she hits the stage around 9ish.... Stop by listen to some great tunes, have a pint and say hi to Wayne.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dufferin County Forest Management Meeting

Date: Tuesday January 21st, 2014
Location: Sutton Room, County Administrative Building, 55 Zina St. Orangeville
Time: 7pm

This is the first meeting for discussions for the upcoming Management Plan for Dufferin County Forests.  It is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend.  I don't believe we will able to be involved in the discussions at this meeting but we are welcome to spectate. If you are available it would be great to see you out there to help support the mountain bikers interests.



Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekend TVG Event Report

Date: Sunday January 12th, 2013
Location: Rob Roy / Collingwood
Weather: Perfect!

Hikers: Mark, Karin, Ralph, Wendy
Runners: Karen, Max
Riders: Tyler, Chris, Don, Johnny
Shoppers: Emily, Illona, Julie

We had a big turnout for our destination ride from Rob Roy to Collingwood, with a number of folks, hiking, running and shopping, as well as the riders riding.  We started our epic journey just a little north west of the quaint town of Rob Roy.  Upon arrival, we determined that the wind was cold, and the trails were in great shape!!!

The ride begun, through a field and into the forest. From this point on we had a riot!!!  Trails were in the best shape for this type of ride, with a nice crust on the top, and a little dusting of snow to mute the sound of our tires rolling.  If that doesn't give you a mental picture of the ride I don't know what will.....

It took us a while to catch up to Karen running, but we did, and continued through the forest until our first road stint.  The road was a straight down a hill towards the next section of snowmobile trail.  The humming of tires created a sound of a tractor driving up the road.

At this point of the ride, we had only encountered 2 snowmobiles and we were about 5km into the ride.  Also, by his point we were nice and warm, and well out of the wind.  We took a break at an intersection only to be caught again by Karen running.....  very disheartening....

We continued along into the Pretty River Park also know as 3 stages.. This is where we had our first crazy fun downhill through the forest with burmed corners, and rollers.  The downhill felt so long, with tears rolling down your face from a mix of the speed and the constant laughing we finally reached the bottom, where there was a small creek.  The bike had their moment by the creek, and by this point Chris was sold on a Fat Bike.

Chris was using a yellow Surly that was borrowed from Jeff at Cycling Elements in Orangeville.  Go check the store out if you have not been there.‎

We then had to pedal our way back out from the bottom of the downhill.... Granny gear and away you go.  if you were cold before, you weren't gonna be for long.... It was a long trudge up.

But when you get to the top, you then get to go back down.  We took a break at the top of the hill, caught our breath, had a quick snack and got passed by a sled.  The thought was that we could catch the sled.  Luckily we had a downhill.  Johnny caught him first, with Tyler not too far behind and catching near the bottom.  Unfortunately the rider never turned around to see the 2 bikes behind him.  We hit the bottom, and yup, had to climb back up.

This climb was a bugger... we pretty much climbed up a stage and a half on the fat bikes.... But again, once we got to the top, we actually had more climbing to do... but we did eventually reach the summit... The summit being the upper parking lot of 3 stages.

We had another downhill, and this one was way to much fun.  It took us down the road that you normally drive up to get to 3 stages.  This is where we hit our top speeds for the day.  Tyler clocked 56km/hr, and Chris 52.  Both respectable speeds I would think... especially when the recommend speed sign showed 40km/hr.

Once we finished the road section at the intersection of the 2nd line and Grey rd 19, we turned east and continued down the snowmobile trail which paralleled the highway.  This was one of the funnest downhill sections of the entire day!! I dont think we laughed so hard, or had bigger smiles on our faces.  The trail was filled with whoops sections and the snow pack was ideal.  Sure you hit a few soft sections, but they put you back in your place.  We also had to do a slight ditch crossing where the water was a little deeper than expected....

We hit the road for a section to meet up with Illona, Emily and Julie at the Blue Mountain village for a beer at the irish pub.  The bikes fit nicely in the ski rack, with a lot of people taking pictures of the fat bikes.  We finished our beers, then headed off to finish our journey.

The home stretch of our ride brought us into the heart of Collingwood along the hiking trail which parallels the main street.  We finished our ride at the Beaver and Bulldog where everyone was waiting for us... we were a tad late i think.....

Our total distance covered was 34km, with a ride time of 2.5 hours.

All in all the ride was way too much fun, and the plans are in the works for the next destination ride.... Maybe Meaford to Collingwood, or a Mansfield to Alliston, or anything in between.

Comment of the Ride: "This is the most fun I have had on a bike" Chris after the final downhill of the day.

Ride Rating: 5 out of 5 
If we have a better ride, then it will be a 6....

 On a side note, Bernie was out Kayaking the same day.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Outdoor Adventure Show

Date: February 21st - 23rd, 2014
Location: International Centre

Check out the link below for details.

If you have not been to this show, it is definitely worth going to.  A mix of everything for everyone.

Heres a 4$ coupon for the event as well

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sunday - Collingwood

Hi all,

If you wish to do some sort of activity on Sunday, come on out to the parking lot at 3 stages. Below is the map on where we meet.

Some people are going to go out for a hike then to Collingwood to shop, others are going to head out for a snowshoe and meet at the pub.... choose your poison.

View Larger Map

If you are not planning on riding, or hiking, but do want to come out for the festivities afterwards, we are hoping to be at the Beaver and Bulldog for around 3:30pm in Collingwood, on the Main Street.

As we are riding there, we are not 100% sure what time we will be there for sure, could be 3pm, could be the next day...... who knows... but if you put yourself there around 3:30 and we are late, I'm pretty sure you can have a drink, and some munchies.... You will be at a pub.....

When in Collingwood you can always check out Kamikazee as well, look at a new bike, spend some money....

Cool way to get Video

If you have a GoPro this may be the coolest gadget to use!!!

Thanks Jonathon

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Weekend Ride

Date: Sunday January 12th, 2013
Location: Rob Roy to Collingwood
Duration: 3hrs (approx)
Distance: 23 - 27 km
Start Time: Noon

Well we are going to try another destination Ride, from Rob Roy (3 stages) to Collingwood, with a stop at Kamikazee and then a finish at Beaver and Bull Dog.  Bring a wallet with you!

Johnny will be able to take a couple people from Singhampton to the drop off point, so if you want, get a hold of Johnny to set this up.

Depending on what the conditions are, we may be doing section of road, etc, but we will play that by year.
Also, some of the girls and non-riders will be doing a hike at the drop off point, then going to Collingwood and Blue Mountain to do some shopping.

Hope to see everyone out there!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Wednesday January 8th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Time: 6pm
Ride Type: Snowmobile Trail Ride

Bring Lights!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Fat / Skinny Tire Trail Report

Date: Sunday January 5th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Bikers: Tyler, Johnny, Chris
Hikers: Emily, Illona
Runners: Karen, Max

Even with the weather, we were able to get out and enjoy the nice day, or sun, snow etc, with a ride, hike and run.  The snowmobile trail wasn't groomed, and there were a few sleds out packing it down a little.

The below picture sums up the ride though.....

It was a tough trudge through the snow, and to be honest Skinny tires may have been the better bet for the ride.... As the tires dug through the snow instead of the fat tires which were floating on the snow.

Our ride distance wasn't great, but the leg burn was more than there.... we ended up finishing with 7.5 km, with a ride time of an hour.... Like I said, it was a slow chug... 

We had a special guest appearance from Yoda.....

Which then turned into a more formal gathering with a bow tie.... 

We did have a lot of fun throughout the ride though!! Once we hit the 20th side road we were able to skid along and have some fun.... 

Ride Rating: 2.75 out of 5 - just an above average ride...

This rating is across the board.... The hike was fun, but tough, and the run was fun, but tough.... 
So all in all it was a great workout day for everyone!

The hikers had a good hike, set out with the intention of being passed by the runners and/or bikers then would turn around and head back to parking lot. Everyone went on different trails in the end and the hikers got a call from the bikers ( in the parking lot, consuming an apres) wondering where they are...about 3 Km from the parking lot... All said and done the hikers did 7.6 Km!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Weekend Ride

Date: Sunday January 5th 2014
Location: Dufferin Forest
Time: 2pm

Snowmobile trails will be our best bet.  Conditions look favorable for both skinny or fat tires.

Funny YouTube Video

Thanks Ian

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Upcoming Destination Ride

Date: Sunday January 12th, 2013
Location: Rob Roy to Collingwood
Duration: 3hrs (approx)
Distance: 23 - 27 km
Start Time: Noon

Well we are going to try another destination Ride, from Rob Roy (3 stages) to Collingwood, with a stop at Kamikazee and then a finish at Beaver and Bull Dog.

We will play it by year the day of with regards to the conditions, but everyone is welcome.  This ride will get posted on MTBR as well, the more the merrier.

Only stipulation, you will need to figure out your shuttles from Rob Roy to Collingwood.

Fat Tire Trail Report - Wednesday

Date: Wednesday January 1st, 2014
Location: Dufferin Forest

Tyler and Johnny Rode, as Karen and Max ran.  It was the first ride of the new years, and yes it was another cold one, -16 C,

We couldn't ask for better conditions for the ride either, we ended up riding just shy of 15.5km, and to be honest it felt more like 20+ km.... We had a very good speed and little stops, as we had to keep ahead of Karen.

In the parking lot a lot of sled traffic on the trail, but we did not come across a single snowmobile...

All in All we had a great ride again, and skinny tired bikes would be fine out there as well!

Ride Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Fat Tire Trail Report - Monday

Date: Monday December 30th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Tyler, Don and Johnny made it out for the perfect weather ride. The weather was nice and sunny, temperatures were a tad chilly at -11C, but once you started moving than you were fine.

With the cold temperatures it made the ride great as there was a nice layer of crust on the top of the surface.  It was still one heck of a workout on the ride, but all in all it was great!!!

Throughout the day we only passed 1 sled, so it was a quiet one out there.

The conditions are very favorable to even ride with a skinny bike, as the top surface is very hard, and the bikes weren't even leaving marks on the snow.

Ride Rating: 4.15 out of 5