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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beer Review: Central City Brewing "Red Racer IPA"

It's been awhile since there has been a post on the Blog, so figure the best way to come back would be to drink a beer and write a review about it... So it's time yet again for the Team Van Go Beer Review!!!! 

Like on every beer review, I’ll give my forewarning that I am bias, and please go out and try this and many other beers as they all are good in their own special way… (I'm just copy / pasting this to add more words into the Blog, make it look a little more official)

This review will be of Central City Brewing Companies "Red Racer IPA".  Like the name states it is an IPA, so expect some hopiness.  This beer is brewed out of British Columbia.

First impressions, is the appearance of the can.  The beer can is green, has a woman riding a bike on it.  Need i say more... I drank the beer straight out of the can, so I'm going to assume that the beer has a beer colour to it.... 

The initial taste gives you a very very hoppy hit of flavour... The beer has a bunch of other flavours involved but for me the hops really took front and centre stage. The beer is 6.5% so a stronger beer for sure. 

Smelling the beer came off with an almost citrius flavor somewhat... Why I smelt the beer I dont know, just thought I should.  

This beer I would consider to be a great beer while watching supercross or some extreme sport like that.  You wouldn't be able to drink a lot of these with the alcohol percentage then drive, but if you are at home relaxing, grab a case and have at it.

Below are the ratings that I would give this beer.

Would I buy a case of this beer: I would buy these 6 at a time.  A 24 would probably take a while to drink I think.   
Did it taste good: Yes
What was your initial thought when you drank the beer: The beer tastes good, and I can look at a bike between sips. 
Was the beer Hoppy: Very much so. Not the hoppiest beer in the word, but not the weakest either. 

Score: 3.65 out of 5

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