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Monday, February 25, 2013

Beer Review: New Belgium Brewing Fat Tire Ale

Another episode of the beer review, I have been slacking on the Blog, so what a way to come back with a good review.  Oh yes, last week I was able to get my hands on a few pints of Fat Tire Amber Ale!!! I must say it was glorious!! So this will be a great review that's for sure.

I was able to get the pints in Virginia, and for the hefty price of 3$ for a 22oz glass, I was not complaining....

First Impressions.... the first glass didn't last long, so first impressions were I was very thirsty.... so the second glass I had a bit more time (not much) to enjoy the glass.  The beer had a nice almost caramel colour,  and when poured into a chilled glass it looks so tasty!!!!

The initial taste was like having a party in my mouth.... The beer was very very smooth, and no bitter taste or strong hops or anything like that.

I don't make it a habit of smelling the beer, so to be completely honest, I didn't smell it.... So to give an idea to people think of the best smell you have every smelt, then double the goodness.....

If I could, I would be buying cases of this beer and stock piling it. You would be able to drink too much of this beer, which at the end of the day could be a bad thing, but a good thing all at the same time.

Would I buy a case of this beer: Yes!!
Did it taste good: Yes!!
What was your initial thought when you drank the beer: This is the best thing since sliced bread!
Was the beer Hoppy: Not really hoppy, but damn good.

Score: 5 out of 5

1 comment:

  1. Beer aught not to be referred to as " glorious"
    , ever. !
