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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Beer Review: Wadadli Premium Gold Lager

Special Beer Review by Johnny and Karen
From Antigua

First Impressions: It's Beer on a beach so it is great by default!

The first beer tasted like all the rest of them..... beer on a beach!!!

When poured into a glass it looked like peer on a patio... again being February, great by default!

Tasted a lot like beer and one that we could both enjoy..

Would I buy a case of this beer: Already did

Did it taste good:  It's beer on a beach!

What was your initial thought when you drank the beer:  I'm drinking beer on the beach!

Was the beer hoppy:  Did I mention that I'm having beer on a beach!

Score:  Judging by the snow pics... 25cm out of 25cm!

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