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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Guest blog!

Wednesday Night Ride
Mono Cliffs Park
February 6th, 2013

Well Wed night ride dream is still alive! Our smallest turn out so far but William, Johnny and Max were out to keep it all going.

It was nice to actually start the ride in day light, which was helpful as Johnny brought the wrong battery, the one that wasn't on the charger and started of with a yellow charge warning. No lights required until the clear (frozen) pond.  

The trails were as good as on Sunday as there was very little fresh snow and more hikers had been out to pack it down. We did the usual loop, skipping the upper loop as it was also the coldest ride I think so far.  Nothing eventful, the ride went very smoothly and was definitely at a quick pace! The dead battery held up for the ride on low power (thanks to William for lighting up the night for me) changing from a yellow warning to a red warning part way through (another reason for the quick pace).

We enjoyed a beer after the ride.  Mini beer review...Wiliam supplied the beer, Granville Island I think, and it was very tasty, with a hint of chocolate and a hint of coffee (which came from my coffee cup!).  A very suitable beer for a cold winter evening. Overall a great night on the trails.

Fat tire rating; 4.8
Skinny tire rating: 4.8

(not 5 'cause we didn't get to ride all the trails and we were missing some of our friends!)

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