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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Wednesday Night Ride
Mansfield Snowmobile Trail
February 13th, 2013

Again the dream continues... Still riding wednesday nights...
Tyler, William, Mike, Johnny and Max were out for yet another great ride.... for some of us....

We decided to stick to the snowmobile trails as for the fat bikes they were not too bad... if you were able to find a spot and stay near the edges where the sleds haven't been riding, you were able to get a good head of steam....

For William on the skinny tire bike it was a bit more of a struggle, but props to him for plowing along and doing the whole ride...

One nice point that Johnny brought up is that we have now rode through the hump of light... We rode in the light into the dark, then we did the transition through starting our ride in the dark, and we are now back to starting a ride in the light and then turning the lights on... This is a great thing to start to notice... gives you a little bit of hope that warmer rides are in the near future!!!

Comment of the Ride: "the vibrations kinda feel good" while riding the fat bikes on a section of road.....

Fat tire rating; 4.5 (-0.5 for not riding singletrack +0.5 because it was a lot of fun!)
Skinny tire rating: 2.25.... not as much fun....

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