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Monday, April 1, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Location: Midhurst School Board Trails
Date: Saturday March 30, 2013

This weekend we had 2 different rides going on.  Johnny was up at Mansfield, and Tyler was riding with Don and Chris up at the Midhurst School board trails.

I will apologize now for the lack of pictures from the ride, so you will have to use your imagination.

The trail conditions were amazing.  With the people traffic on the trails, packed it down nice enough for fat and skinny bikes to have more than enough traction.  We started the ride early enough to ensure that with the warm temperatures the snow wouldn't soften up too much over the ride.

Did a good little jaunt though the forest on singletrack, which was great to ride again.  cant wait until you dont hear the tires crunching on the snow, and only hear the tires rolling on dirt!!!

At the end of the ride, we were able to stand out in the sun and enjoy a refreshing beer.  Can't wait for more of those kind of days.

Fat Tire Rating: 5 out of 5
Trail condition was perfect, no issues what so ever!

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