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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: Tuesday April 9th
Location: Dufferin Forest

Johnny, Tyler and Max did our first full SINGLETRACK ride of the year!!! Yes Dufferin forest has about 90% clear singletrack!!! There are a few sections where there is some snow/ice on the trail, but these sections are few and far between, with it being rideable for both skinny and fat tires alike!!!

We started the ride off by heading out the stick of the lollypop. it was a sign of things to come.  little sloppy in sections with some standing water on the trail, but nothing the fat tires didn't plow through...

It kinda helped that it was raining so we were already wet, so splashing around in some of the puddles was alright.  We continued along with doing the entire stick then out to the lollypop...

Did some trail maintenance... There were skinny tire tracks on the loop, and mysteriously some logs pulled off the trail... well they are back on the trail again...Not big logs or nothing, just new ones to bounce over...

The overall trail itself didn't need much maintenance as there wasn't a lot of tree fall or stick fall on the trail... We finished the lollypop the back tracked a bit to head over to the ridge trail...At this point Tyler started to lose brakes, a mix of the water muck was not helping... We rode a section of the ridge trail, and did some other singletrack before heading out... Tyler had no brakes at the end, front or back, nothing was slowing the bike down... made decents interesting / sketchy.....

All in all it was a fantastic ride, and this should be it for the crappy rides... I'm ignoring the forecast for Thursday.

The weekend ride this week is sunday at noon, so it will be a perfect opportunity for everyone to come out and start to ride singletrack!!!!!!!!!!

Comment of the Ride "Let's go back through the puddles......"

Fat Tire Rating: 5 out of 5!!!!
If skinny tires rode: 4.9 out of 5 (-0.1 for the small snow sections)

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