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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date: April 3rd, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

We did it again... rode for another Wednesday to keep it going... we are sooo close to normal skinny tire rides and single track!!  Tyler, Dave, Johnny, Mike and Max went out for the almost 2hr ride...  Dave on a skinny bike, so there is hope now for the skinny tire guys.

The snowmobile trails were not in too bad of shape for both bike types... The sides had enough crust on them to float on and the studded skinny tires cut into the ice nicely...

We then decided to jump off the snowmobile trail and try some of the other double track..... that would become a bit of a mistake... there was one positive, with the warmer temps, some of the singletrack is opening up... 100ft at a time but it counts!!

The double track we jumped onto was soft... hard for the fat bikes and near impossible for Dave... good thing he is in as good of shape as he is for his trail run at that point...

we headed back to the snowmobile trail which was a good choice... we B lined it for the singletrack that we know is open, and sure enough it was fantastic!!!!

it was worth the effort like always.  you forget how much pain you went through to get to the singletrack once you start riding it....

We finished the ride by riding over the snowbank at the parking lot.... seem to be a lot of fun and finished off the ride nicely....

Fat Tire Rating: 4 out of 5

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