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Monday, June 17, 2013

Fall 8 Hour

Date: Saturday September 28th, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills

I know it's early for this, but need to throw the bone out there...
Hopefully for this race we can get a good team van go outing.

There are going to be several different groups entering.

Some in the works include:
4 person male (1 maybe 2 teams)
4 person female (1 team, maybe a second if there is enough interest)
and then there is the solo guys...
There are a few people that are doing the fall 8 hour solo... the thought is that we ride together for the first 4 hours, then the second half, ride at whatever pace you want, or stop and drink beer for the remaining time...

Just put the bug in your ear, think about it, keep the weekend open.  the more people we can get out there the better.

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