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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Product Review: Shimano XT pedals

I haven't done a product review in a while, which is a good thing.  If it ain't broke I don't have to buy a new one, and hence don't need to do a product review.
But midas well do a review on an item that most people use on their bikes... Pedals.... and a seat, but pedals is the review....

The specific pedals are the Shimano XT race clipless pedals.  I've used these pedals the last 2 years, with no issues whatsoever with them.  I do need to knock on wood.....

Like most shimano pedals, it has a very easily adjustable tension screw, done by an allen key, to allow for easier or harder tension to release your foot when you are falling..

The typical application is trail riding, and the pedals have never failed.  Usually its the operator, either not having the tension hard enough to have a foot come out going over a rock or log, but other than that they have performed flawlessly. The pedals have been ridden in a variety of conditions, from Hot dry rides at Dufferin forest, to Snow riding through mono cliffs, to mud at kalopore.

If you are in the market for a new set of pedals. I would recommend the Shimano XT pedals.  They have 2 versions, the Race and the Trail version.  The trail version is identical to the Race, only with larger platforms.

Either way you cannot go wrong with these pedals.

Rating: 4.75 out of 5 (Need room if I come across a better set of pedals, but it is very unlikely)

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