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Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Ride Report

So Karen, Johnny and Max had a great day at three stages.  

We did a modified loop...warm up trail first, then climbed up through the 3 stages which all seemed more technical than last year, lots more roots and rocks.  Out through the rock garden to the lookout and then headed directly to the "upper parking area" (i.e. "one stage parking lot").  

Rode some of the swoopy trails up top then headed west into the three stages upper loop trails.  Got into some more tight technical trails then headed down to the river on a completely different decent, twisty with a lot of switch backs. Same finish at the end, then a road ride back to the bus.  

Shared a beer, headed to Kamikaze, checked out the new Santa Cruz Bronson Carbon (nice!) then off to Beaver and Bulldog for wings and beer! What a day...doesn't get much better than this.

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