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Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Ride Review

Date: Sunday July 21st, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Weather: Perfect!

On Sunday we had a great couple of rides in Dufferin forest... Weather was amazing, could not complain about anything at all.

The weekend ride consisted of 2 rides, the first was more of a training ride, plan was to do the whole manchulada, with little to no stopping... Mother nature on Friday had other plans for us.  Tyler, Don, Chris and Johnny started out heading to the north of 20 trail.  on the way there was new debris down, but as soon as we hit north of 20, a lot of fallen trees.. became more of a game, see how long until the next downed tree.

The loop of north of 20 took longer than planned as the 2nd ride was to start at 4pm... we did the mini manchulada instead, finishing with about 20km.. had a quick beer, then headed out on the 2nd ride.

The 2nd ride included, Tyler, Johnny, Karen, Lori, Lisa, Jacqueline and Max.  Same idea as the first ride, Ken's, Steve's trail, down to the trail to nowhere, then bernie loop and out.  Everyone rode the trails amazing, the new trees down on the trails did add a lot more fun rideable sections.  only a couple downed trees that were not rideable, but everything else, with enough speed and commitment you could make.

Everyone were riding fiends on the trial tackling almost every obstacle with  Karen and Lori riding over almost everything!  Tyler and Johnny did fail once on the spotting and Jacqueline fell where no one was standing.... All in all though a great ride, no complaints at all.  Company was great, riding was great, weather was perfect, and new trees down added some more fun to the whole ride!!!

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