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Friday, July 19, 2013

Weekend Ride

Date: Sunday July 21st, 2013
Location: Mansfield (Dufferin Forest)
Start Time: TBD

This ride is going to be a bit of a training / fun ride.  Tyler and maybe Johnny are going to head out a couple hours earlier to do the whole Manchulada no stops, but at a slow steady pace to train for the 9 and 8hrs coming up.

Then once back at the parking lot, a group ride.  Anybody and  everybody are welcome to join on the first section of the training ride.  Average speed will probably be in the 12km area.... The idea of head out and go, everyone should know the trails, if not, skid marks or something will be left for visual..

The second part of the ride, will again probably consist of the whole Manchulada.... depending on how people feel....

Check back on the blog for the start time of both rides.  note the second ride start time will be estimated, as it may take 2 hours to do the 1st ride or 2.5hrs....

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