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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ride Report: Blue Mountain Downhill

Date: Monday August 19th, 2013
Location: Blue Mountain

We had a great day yesterday, Tyler, Chris and Don at Blue mountain downhilling.  Emily was wondering aimlessly around the village, and did some hiking as well.  Weather was perfect, warm then turning to hot by late day.

If you have not done downhilling before, or if you did, and want to do it again, Blue is a great spot.  I do recommend doing the rider assessment (it is free) to allow you to do the run called Haole! What a riot of a trial.  Built and designed by the same guys who work at Whistler, this trail consists of berms, Man Made jumps, Step ups, Drops pretty much everything, with great flow.  I must say, I could not keep up with Chris or Don... But it does make me want to get a Down Hill bike for sure.

We spend the majority of the day on the Haole run, as it was just that much fun.  The more you rode it the more comfortable, and nervy you got.  By the end of the day, you could set yourself up, not use the brakes much at all and enjoy all the flow and jumps of the trail.

There is one problem with getting to this run, it is about 2-3km across the top of the mountain to get to the run.  So by mid day you are getting tired of actually peddling to the hill.  i feel bad for the downhill bikers as the bikes way upwards of 40+ pounds, and that is a lot of bike to move.

All in all though, the day was great, 10am to 330pm of fun fun riding.

If you are not a downhiller, there are XC runs at the top of the hill as well for you to pedal around, and if you are not a biker, Blue has done a lot for Summer tourism.  They have Segway tours at the top of the mountain, the Ridge runner, as well you can take the chairlift up and hike at the top with some great views.

I would recommend this to anyone and everyone for sure!

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