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Monday, September 30, 2013

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Tuesday October 1st, 2013 (Yup October already!!)
Time:  6:30pm
Location: Dufferin Forest
Ride Type:  Fun
Bring Lights!


Date: Wednesday October 2nd, 2013
Time: 6pm and 6:30pm rides
Location: Mono Cliffs
Ride Type:  Fun
Bring Lights!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Weekend - Hardwood Hills 8hr.

Date; Saturday September 28th, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills
8hr Relay Race

As most people are aware, we have 2 teams and 3 solo riders registered in the fall 8hr race.  It would be awesome if we can have a bunch of people come out and enjoy the day.  For people with kids, there are kids races around 11 or noon... you'll have to check the website...

Anyways, the following are the teams that we have.

team van go solo johnny - Self explanitory
team van go solo senn - self explanitory
team van go solo tyler - self explanitory
Ann  and the gritty kitties
- Ann
- Moe
- Karen
- Jacqueline
- Craig
- Jonathon
Sherriff bros and cruz cousin
- Andrew
- James
- Chris
- Bernie

Come on out watch people in pain... it'll be fun... if you are looking for the team, we will be all around the team van go tent in the solo pit area.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beer Review: Creemore Collaboration Altbier

Yet again, another episode of the infamous team van go beer review... I figure this time we will do a good review on one of Creemore's newer beers.  the Creemore Collaboration Altbier.  The beer comes in a can, and you can find it at selected LCBO outlets, if you look hard enough...

The appearance of the beer is canned shape... to be honest i never poured it in a glass, so im assuming it looks like a fluid in a glass, with bubbles... the can itself is nice, silver and blue... easy to spot at the LCBO mostly because you dont know it's creemore until you pick it up...

When the beer is cold, it tastes great... if you are thirsty after a ride, or doing some much hated yard work and need a break, make sure you have one of these beer on ice, or in the fridge... I'm not sure if they taste good warm, and to be honest dont really want to find out....

The beer itself isn't too hoppy, with an IBU of 28... i think i'll start adding the IBU's to these reviews, for people to have a track on the hoppiness of the beer....  If you are not sure what IBU stands for, it's the International Bitterness Units.  Pretty much the higher the IBU number the hoppier and stronger the beer.  the scale caps out at 100, as anything over 100 is not really recognized on the taste threshold..

Anyways, back to the beer.  After drinking the can, i realized it tasted great and that i would drink another one... So cudos to Creemore, it is a very nice refreshing beer.  I would put it as a cross from their Lager and the Kellerbier...

Rating: 4.15 out of 5
Would you buy a case of this beer:  Yes, and i did... actually i bought a couple 8 packs...
Was the beer hoppy:  Not really, it was smooth, but not hoppy..
Would you recommend this beer to others: I would yes... If you like beer, you will like this beer... if you dont like beer, why are you still reading this review????

IBU: 28

Monday, September 23, 2013

Course Preview - 8hr Race

Location: Hardwood Hills

On Saturday, I went out to Hardwood Hills to preride the race course for the upcoming weekend.

The start is the typical fireroad climb from the chalet.  If you are a strong starter / climber, you will enjoy the beginning.  After the start fire road, you mix in and out of single and double track.  One note to everyone, after a climb you usually have a chance to recover either on a flat section of fire road, or single track.

The nice part out of the race course is the majority of the single track is on the trail called "Radical".  A nice section of tight twisty.  During the lap, there was no real major climbs, not to say there were no climbs in general, but the climbs were either short and sweet, or longer but not crazy.

For people racing, there are a few features and bridges that you can go over to cut corners.  I would recommend looking at them on your first lap before tackling them.  One note, all the bridges are fine, go over them and save some time on your lap.

To give an idea on lap times, Senn on a single speed was turning 26min laps, and Tyler in the pouring rain turned a 40min lap.  A good estimation on lap times for people on teams would be 25-35min laps, and solo riders 35-40min average laps.

There is one new section of single track near the end of the lap called "The Bike Zone", which is a new trail.  Picture the beginning trail at Mansfield, switchbacks etc.  It will be interesting to see how everyone handles it for sure.

Below link is the course map.

Come out and have a pint if you are not racing.
See everyone out there !!!!!!

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Monday September 23rd, 2013
Location: Mansfield
Time: 6pm
Secret Training Ride - Prep for 8hr
Bring Lights


Date: Tuesday September 24th, 2013
Location: Mansfield
Time: 6:30pm
Fun Ride
Bring Lights


Date: Wednesday September 25th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6pm
Fun Ride
Bring Lights


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekend Rides

Date: Saturday September 21st, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills
Time: 10am in the parking lot
Cost: 10$ish???
Pre-Ride 8hr Course
Gonna be a seperate ride happening that will be sticking to trails like Fun etc.  There is riding for everyone there!


Date: Sunday September 22nd, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills
Cost: 10$ish???
Craig and Jonathon will be in the parking lot at 10am.
Pre-Ride 8hr Course

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Night Riding

A Tip!
For anyone planning on riding during the week, you will need to turn lights on by 7:30pm in the forest.
Last couple nights of riding they have been on shortly before 7:30. 

For bike lights, you can go to any bike shop as most of them carry really good lights.  Lights typically are not cheap, but if you have some time, you can check online bike shops to get some good deals, you just have to wait a week or so. 

Below are some links to light deals for anyone wanting to grab a pair. 

You will need to order a head strap with the below, but for a cheap set they work pretty good!

A nice set of Hope lights

Monday, September 16, 2013

Johnny - Bday Ride - Wednesday

Hi All,

This Wednesday will be Johnny's Actual BDay ride.

So the Mono ride will go on as normal.  After the ride, everyone is invited to head over to the Mono Pub for diner.  Everyone is welcome!!!

If you wish to join please get a hold of Karen by Tuesday evening to confirm numbers and reservation!

See everyone out there

Back at It!! Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Monday September 16th, 2013
Location: Albion Hills
Time: 5:45pm
Parking - Patterson Rd and Rail Trail Crossing

Contact Tyler if you plan on riding
Bring Lights just in case


Date: Tuesday September 17th, 2013
Location: Mansfield
Time: 6:30pm
Bring Lights!
Parking at the upper parking lot

Contact Tyler if you plan on riding


Date: Wednesday September 18th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6pm
Bring Lights - This is a theme



Date: Saturday September 21st, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills
Time: 10am (Tentatively)
Pre-Ride the upcoming 8hr course
There will also be a side ride, doing trails like fun etc. 


Friday, September 6, 2013

Upcoming Rides

Hi all,

I'll be gone the next week with no internet or any phone reception, so the blog probably wont be updated.....

A Ride that will be next week for sure

Wednesday September 11th, 2013
Mono Cliffs
6pm ride start

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Night Riding

As most of you already know, it is getting dark quicker now, and by 8pm in the forest you are struggling to see.
A recommendation for everyone is to have at least 1 person in the group ride with a head or handlebar light.  Just in the case of someone having a mechanical on the trail, it may be very very dark by the time you get out of the forest.

Within the next few weeks we will be probably ending our mono rides in the dark....

Better to be safe then sorry.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Tuesday September 3rd, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Time: 6:30pm
Ride / Hike

At the moment not sure if this will be a ride, or a hike, or both... Contact Tyler, or put a comment in the comment box below the post to let us know what you plan or want to do.


Date: Wednesday September 4th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6pm Normal Ride
Time: 6:30pm Touring / Fun Ride - Note this ride time may be bumped to 6pm depending on who is riding.

Hike: 6pm


Date: Friday September 6th, 2013
Location: Albion Hills - Parking on Patterson / Rail Trail
Time: 6pm
Ride Type - Training Ride for 8hr

Please put a comment in the box below, or contact Tyler if you plan on riding.  Just so we dont leave and are missing people.  An option will be to meet at the fountain for 6 as well.  See what people want to do and see what the weather will do.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Product Review: Clark Cycle Systems - Cables and Housing

It's been a while since there has been a review on a product, and while I had time to work on my bikes, I installed a new set of cables and housings on the Rocky Mountain.  The system I ended up getting were from Chain Reaction Cycles, and they were Clark's Cycle Systems.

You are probably thinking, Cables and Housing are the same, and you are partially right.  Most cables and housing are similar, whether it be stainless lines, galvanized, Teflon coated, etc.... The system from Clarks uses a stainless steel cable.  The major difference between Teflon coated and stainless cables is in their infancy on the bike.  The Teflon cables in past experience work well initially, well until the coating comes off.  This usually happens where the cables enter the cable housings.  One note for anyone currently running Teflon cables, do not apply lube to the cables, as they will gum up and cause extra friction.

The Clark system uses stainless steel cables, with a lubricated cable housing.  This offeres a nice smooth transition of the cable through the housing.  Beyond that, the cable housing look cool, with a silver option, and the appearance of a carbon fibre weave.  When you purchase the kit, it includes 2 inner cables, enough cable housing to run both front and rear derailleurs, as well as the end caps, and ferrules.

The pricing for the complete kit from Chain Reaction came in at 15$, so not a bad price for the complete setup.  In comparison, the Jagwire kit that I had on my bike previously ran just shy of 30$, and it only lasted 1/2 a year before I needed to swap the cable and housings out.  The shifting was to the point where it was near impossible to shift the front derailleur due to the housing being gummed up with dirt.

We will see how this new set of cables and housings go, but after a couple rides they have been smooth, and no issues as of yet... fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc....

Rating: 4 out of 5 - The cables installed easily, and they look cool!
Would you recommend this to a friend: For the people that didn't read the above, and want the Cole's Notes version, Yes I would recommend them to a friend.....
Pricing: 4 our of 5 - You can find cheaper cables, and you can find more expensive ones, but for the quality, these ones are really good!