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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beer Review: Creemore Collaboration Altbier

Yet again, another episode of the infamous team van go beer review... I figure this time we will do a good review on one of Creemore's newer beers.  the Creemore Collaboration Altbier.  The beer comes in a can, and you can find it at selected LCBO outlets, if you look hard enough...

The appearance of the beer is canned shape... to be honest i never poured it in a glass, so im assuming it looks like a fluid in a glass, with bubbles... the can itself is nice, silver and blue... easy to spot at the LCBO mostly because you dont know it's creemore until you pick it up...

When the beer is cold, it tastes great... if you are thirsty after a ride, or doing some much hated yard work and need a break, make sure you have one of these beer on ice, or in the fridge... I'm not sure if they taste good warm, and to be honest dont really want to find out....

The beer itself isn't too hoppy, with an IBU of 28... i think i'll start adding the IBU's to these reviews, for people to have a track on the hoppiness of the beer....  If you are not sure what IBU stands for, it's the International Bitterness Units.  Pretty much the higher the IBU number the hoppier and stronger the beer.  the scale caps out at 100, as anything over 100 is not really recognized on the taste threshold..

Anyways, back to the beer.  After drinking the can, i realized it tasted great and that i would drink another one... So cudos to Creemore, it is a very nice refreshing beer.  I would put it as a cross from their Lager and the Kellerbier...

Rating: 4.15 out of 5
Would you buy a case of this beer:  Yes, and i did... actually i bought a couple 8 packs...
Was the beer hoppy:  Not really, it was smooth, but not hoppy..
Would you recommend this beer to others: I would yes... If you like beer, you will like this beer... if you dont like beer, why are you still reading this review????

IBU: 28

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