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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekend Race Report

Date: Saturday September 28th, 2013
Location: Hardwood Hills
Epic 8hr

This past weekend team van go was represented by 3 solo rides, a 6 person team and a 4 person team.  The day was great, with sunny sky and very nice temperatures.  i can only comment on how the solo riders did, as i was not too sure how everyone on the teams did...

Tyler, Johnny, and Senn all decided to ride the first 4 hours of the race together, which we pretty much did.... Tyler and Johnny were holding Senn back from hammering away on the fire roads... The first lap was the normal crazy bottle necks at single track, but once that all was sorted out, we started picking off more and more riders... we may or may not have been pushing a little too hard off the start as solo riders, but we were having a lot of fun, so that was all that matter.

Both Johnny and Tyler had the ipods mounted and the tunes that annoy people blaring.  Some Tom Jones, and some Sweet Caroline started off the long day.

At the end of each lap, we usually had a quick stop grabbed some more water, a snack and away we went....

Overall the first 4 hours were pretty uneventful.  Then the fun started... around the 4 hour mark we started to get a little boisterous with other riders..starting with a rider from the Trek store who almost pushed tyler off the trail, who then caught up to johnny, who may or may not have done some delirious solo swerving and cursing... senn had an issue with on of the Chinese Mountain bike clubs riders, who cut him off and put him into a tree... This was after senns steering went which again caused a crash...  Tyler and johnny were caught up in a rider who stalled on a hill, which johnny may or may not have pushed his handle bars when he was trying to get back on his bike in the middle of the trail as tyler and johnny were still riding by....

At the end of the day, Johnny finished with 11 laps, which equals 110km, Tyler with 11 laps, and Senn with 10 laps.

The 6 person team (ann and the gritty kitties) finished with 11 laps
The 4 person team (sherriffs bros and the cruz cousin) finished with 13 laps.

At the end of the day everyone had a great time, and a few fermented beverages were enjoyed afterwards.

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