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Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Ride Report - Sunday

Date: Sunday October 27th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

Well, we had a very good showing of people for the first Team Van Go organized ride.  Total of 19 rides, 1 trail cleaner, and 1 dog.  For anyone who thought the weather was not going to agree with us, they could not be more wrong.  The weather was perfect! Sunny, decent temperatures, and the trails were in perfect shape!!!  We had 6 new riders hook up from Etobicoke, and Bolton which was great!

We hit the trails around 12:30, and ended up being in the forest for about 3.5hrs.  The trails overall were clean, only a few new branches down, which were cleaned up by the first few riders in the group.  At the turn off to Johnny's trail, while taking a break Senn and Jeff noticed a funky looking mushroom on a tree.  Chris cut it off, as it apparently was a good eating mushroom.

We rode the North of 20 trail, which was a lot of fun as always, then back up to Ken's trail.

At the end of the day, everyone seemed to have a good time, and great ride!

This will be the start of a lot more rides like this, and who knows what is in store for the next year..

But to anyone who thinks this was the last ride of the year, think again... Last year we rode (not on the fat bikes) all the way up to the end of December.

Thanks to everyone that came out!

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