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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekend Ride Report

Date: Sunday November 3rd
Location: Duferin forest

We had a good showing for today's ride, Johnny hiked, Karen ran with max, and we had Tyler, Emily, Chris, illona, Ian, Chris and Judy on two wheel peddal machines.

For anyone who missed out, other than the cooler temperatures, we had a great ride!! After the wind storm on Friday there was some new downed trees, but nothing too crazy... Well other than the one right after the teeter totter on the lollypop stick.

The ride was shorter than last week, with us only sticking to the lollypop loop... On the trails by 11am, finished around 1 pm... The forest was bussling with people from horseback riders, to other riders and 175 kids doing an orienteering event.

The end of the day finished with a pint in the parking lot which is always a good finish!

Cheers to another great ride

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