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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Weekend Ride Report

Guest Ride Reviewer: Bernie

Location: Agreement Forest (Guelph)
Date: Sunday November 3rd, 2013
Distance: roughly  38 k
Length : 9:30 start 5:20 Finnish  (couple breaks)
Technical : hardest terrain I've ridden in a loooong time.

The rock gardens on the Niagara escarpment are in my opinion , just as hard , sometimes harder technically than our rides in Arizona & Utah.  This trail handed me my ass. But it was fun & the local riders were a great bunch to ride with. Skilled & fast yet knew how to keep it fun. Thanx to all of them (and ute) for showing me their trails ( and waiting for me : )  The day of course ended with raising a glass of beer! Would I recommend this ride. ?  I'd recommend to anyone to challenge themselves & go beyond their comfort zone , wherever that trail may be. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bernie, sorry about missing this one, I had really wanted to go with you. It would be great if you could encourage the guys you rode with to do it again next summer! Sounds like I would of loved it....
