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Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Ride Reports

Date: Saturday November 9th, 2013
Location: Albion Hills

We started the ride nice and early, around 9:40... we did loose William at one point, but it turned out fine... Tyler, Mike, Jamie, William and Mark did the fun tour through albion.  The conditions were actually not bad at all for us.  A little chilly, but no precipitation.

We rode the majority of the trails, except for the few that are across the road... if you know albion you know what i'm talking about... If you dont ride albion, you probably should.  It's a fun little spot to do a ride.

End of the Day we had a great ride, great weather, and the afternoon still to do work around the house etc.....


Date: Sunday November 10th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

This ride was changed from Copeland Forest to Mansfield due to the weather conditions that were reported by Don up north.  So we showed up in the parking lot expecting a small group ride, which turned out to be a very large group ride to my surprise.  The final count of riders were 14, plus 1 runner, 1 hiker and 1 dog.

I must apologize for not remembering everyone's names... The ones i can remember were, Tyler, Bernie, Jamie, Chris, Judy, Reese, Sarah, Michelle.... I would keep rhyming off names, but I know I would be getting them completely wrong, so again I apologize.  Johnny hiked and did some trail maintenance, and Karen Ran.

Our ride ended up being the Mini Manchulada.  Same as the day before we had a great ride.  A lot of fun as always, and the weather for the most part agreed with us.  A few scattered showers, but nothing too crazy. We had a few stops for a shot of Fireball Whisky (Thank you Sarah).

After the north of 20 loop, we split into 2 groups, to finish the mini manchulada.  From talking to Bernie Chris and  Judy in the parking lot, Judy cleared all the skinny's and majority of logs in the forest!!! Awesome job Judy!

I think everyone had fun, i know I did.

A little chilly at the end of the ride for the beer in the parking lot, but all in all a great day.

Thanks to everyone that came out, it was a great way to spend a Sunday!

Thank you to Judy for the pictures!!

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