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Monday, December 2, 2013

Beer Review: Tree Brewing Company - Thirsty Beaver

Well, my last trip to the local Beer Store brought my eyes and attention to a new addition... The Thirsty Beaver.. The name caught me eye, but also how it was in the beer store, and the beer store has so many great things...

Anyways, This beer comes to us from Kelowna BC from Tree Brewing.  The name of this beer is Thirsty Beaver Amber Ale.  This beer has become a popular on in the western provinces, so it was a matter of time before it made it's way to us.

The appearance of this beer is Amber, hence the name.  It has a very nice hue to the beer, not too amber, not too red and not too beer colour.  If you do not pour it into a glass you will find the beer has a very brown tinge to it, and if you don't care about the colour head right to the bottom where the scores are.

After our beer tour a couple weeks ago I found myself taking more time drinking a new beer.  First taking a glance at it then smelling it.  And this beer did not disappoint.  It had a very nice aroma of beer, and a slight tough of hops.  There wasn't a sweet aroma or anything like that, just a scent that makes you think, mmm beer.

Then there is the taste of the beer.  When the beer first touches your lips you are instantly in heaven, because A. you are drinking a beer, B. because you hopefully just finished a great bike ride, or C. you are sitting at home watch a hockey game, D. trying to drown out your significant other or E. because you are an alcoholic, but regardless, the beer is a very smooth beer.  There are similarities between the Thirsty Beaver and other Amber ales, if you have every had a Rickards Red, or something along those lines, and enjoyed it, then you will be more than thrilled with this drink.

At then end of the day, go out buy a 6 pack of this beer.  If you dont like it after drinking all 6 in the pack, feel free to leave a comment in the below, I may not agree with you but hey free speech right.

Rating: 4.35 out of 5

Was the beer Hoppy: There was a slight hint of hop in the beer, but not overpowering like a Boneshaker.
Would you recommend this beer to a friend: I would, and have offered to many already.
Would you buy a case of this beer:  I would and did, or else how could I right a review???
What is the average wingspan of an African Swallow? Typical wingspans or 25-30 cm.

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