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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Product Review: WTB Laser V Saddle

Laser V

One of the most important parts of you bike, other than the frame, wheels, handle bars, drivetrain, suspension comes a very vital part, your saddle, or seat. You never realize how much time you spend on your seat, until you have a seat that is uncomfortable.  Once you have a uncomfortable seat, you have an uncomfortable ride, and if you are riding with your significant other, you both will have an uncomfortable ride or a miserable ride.

I've done a lot of riding over the last few years, and have tried a few different seats, on each bike, and the one I find is the best of the all is the WTB Laser V Saddle that is on my Santa Cruz Heckler.  WTB has a couple versions, the Team which has Titanium Rails, and the Pro which has Ni-Cro rails.  The only difference between the 2 is the weight, with is only 15grams difference.  If you are that concerned about weight, dont drink the extra beer the night before, or have an extra large bowel movement.  Pricing difference between the 2 is about 40$, but if you keep an eye out you can find the Team version for the same or cheaper than the Pro version.

I run WTB seats on all my bikes now, due to their design dual compound base, with leather or synthetic cover, and the Comfort Zone up the middle.  The saddles come with the standard dual rails that work on 99% of the seat posts out there.

These saddles are great if you want to ride a short 1 hour ride, or an 8hr event.  I haven't had an issue at all with the sensitive undercarriage areas.

If you are in the market for a new seat, take a hard serious look at this one, definately worth the money 100%!

Rating: 4.75 out of 5 (Just in case there is a better one that I haven't tried) (But I doubt it)

Positives: Comfort, Comfort, and more Comfort

Negatives: None, other than it doesn't cook meals.....

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