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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Beer Review: Mill Street Organic

Well it has been a fairly long time since a beer review, and that is my fault.... I haven't mixed up beers in a while, so I had a chance to buy a 6 pack of Mill Street Organic.  If you are unfamiliar with Mill St. it is a brewery based out of Toronto, in the distillery district.  If you have never been to the distillery district, I 100% recommend going there!!!  Well worth the trip.

Now back to the beer!  The Mill Street Organic is a lager, so if you are not a lager fan, you midas well go to your fridge and grab a beer, maybe check out other websites.

The appearance of the beer, well it comes in a bottle, which is clear, so you can really get a good view of the beer.  It has a light yellowish beer colour, so you know it is not a heavy beer by any stretch of the imagination.

Now onto the taste.... it does have a light taste, similar to what you would think it tastes like when you look at the beer.  It also has a very slight grassy / wheat sort of taste to it.  There is no real hop taste and to be completely honest, I would consider this more of a summer beer than a middle of the winter beer.  All in all it did taste good, cause it was cold, and thirst quenching.

Rating:  3.95 out of 4

Would you recommend this beer to a friend: Yes I would, and I even shared it.
Was the beer hoppy:  Nope, more grassy than hoppy.
What is the weight of a Curling Stong:  42 lbs.
Would you buy a case of this beer: I did.  If you didn't read the above I am not happy.

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