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Monday, February 10, 2014

Fat Tire Trail Report

Date:  Sunday February 9th, 2014
Location: Dufferin Forest

Riders: Tyler, Johnny, Chris
Runner: Karen
Dogs: Max

We showed up to the quiet parking lot, with a bit of snow fall, and a -7C temperature, while sitting in the car peering through the windshield you thought "this is gonna be great!".  Then when you stepped out of the car, it hits you, it was bloody chilly, and boy do you not want to ride or run.... But you must...

We started out, and had a good head of steam heading down the snowmobile trail... the head of steam was cause by the down hill.... During this time, when you had the bike up on plane it was fine, if you let the bike win is when you started running into trouble, either the front wheel washing out, or the drunken swerve across the trail.

We did our normal route, out towards the Simcoe Dufferin boarder, and instead of looping back we rode out towards Summerville Nursery.  We kept riding and riding, until we hit the road where the Tossorontio Dump is on, which for people who dont know is close to the town of Everett.  The bigger problem was we were at the 12km mark, and still needed to get back from there.

So we turned around, started heading back the way we came.  Sled traffic was very light and only a handfull passed us throughout the day.  We got back to a road and decided to take the road and hook into the Alternate trail, to cut some riding distance off and some of the nasty hills.. This ended up being a little mistake.

By the time we reached the alternate trail, it did not appear as though there was a lot of sled traffic, or groomed for that matter.  This was a slug to get through and there was a nasty climb.... We reached back to the main trail and started riding back.  Tyler had a nice front wheel washout and over the bars on a corner, but snow is soft for the most part..

All in all the ride itself was a lot of fun, good distance at 24+km, in 2hrs.  That's 24km we do not have to ride in the spring.

Ride Rating: 3.85 out of 5

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