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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beer Review: King Brewery Dark Lager

Yet again another edition of the team van go beer review.  As always, there is a disclaimer, that this review is completely bias, and my recommendation is to go out and try this or any other type of beer.... At the end of the day, beer makes everything better....

This weeks beer review (even though it hasn't been weekly) is from King Brewery, a local brew out of Nobelton, and the beer tested was their Dark Lager.

I've had this beer a few times, and need to give them credit for sponsoring the Homage to Ice, put on by Substance Projects, so that does help their score for sure.  I'm one to take bribes for good reviews too, just going to throw that out there.....

After a good ride, whether the ride has snow or humidity, this beer was a great one to quench someones thirst... to be honest any beer is thirst quenching, but I'm only reviewing one beer at a time...

Never poured the beer into a glass, only straight out of the bottle, so the appearance was brown... the same brown colour as the bottle...

The first beer didn't have much taste, as it went down too quickly... but the second beer tasted great... There was a slight chocolately flavour, some mild hops, nothing too overpowering though. The nice part of the beer was that it wasn't too carbonated, or bubbly.

All in all this is a great beer for after the ride.  If you can't find it at the beer store, make the short jaunt to Nobelton, and hit the brewery up.

Would I buy a case of this beer: Yes I would, and Yes I did.  I've bought several cases...
Did it taste good: Yes it did.  It tasted like happiness.
What was your initial thought when you drank the beer: mmmm beer.  
Was the beer Hoppy: There was a mild hop but nothing crazy. 

Score: 4.5 out of 5

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Weekend Ride

Date & Time: Saturday June 1 at 10am
Where: Torrance Barrens
Fee: None
Type of Ride: Singletrack
Difficulty: Easy
Fitness: light - moderate
Length: 15km (1.5hrs)
Forecast: Sun cloud mix - 23 degrees feels like 29 degrees 30%POP

This will be an easy ride so the pace will be leisurely. The trails are mostly singletrack on Canadian Shield (quite unique). For those who have not ridden here before; the fitness level and ability is easy with some short climbs and 1 hike a bike section.

DIRECTIONSTake Muskoka Road 169 north from Gravenhurst or south from Bala.Turn south on Southwood Road (Muskoka Road 13) and travel 7 kilometres to the Torrance Barrens sign. Park on the flat rock.The trail is marked with stone cairns, white marks on rocks and metal signs.

This ride is put on by Doug and Hayley, a great ride for anyone who hasn't been up there before. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Monday May 27th, 2013
Location: Albion Hills (Parking at Patterson and Rail trail crossing)
Time: 6pm ride start.
Secret Training Ride


Date: Tuesday May 28th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Time: 6:30pm ride start.
Fun Touring / Teaching Ride


Date: Wednesday May 29th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6:00pm Normal Ride,
         6:30pm ride start Fun Touring / Teaching Ride


If anyone is doing other rides during the week and wants it posted just throw a comment to this post, or email Tyler.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Weekend Ride - Buckwallow

Date: Sunday May 26th, 2013
Location: Buckwallow
Time: 11am Ride Start Time

Current Forecast: 15C and Sunny

We will probably split into a couple groups again, to keep everyone moving.
The trails at Buckwallow are fantastic, and good for any type of rider.

Come on out and enjoy the afternoon.

See everyone there.

Wednesday Night Ride

Hi All,

For anyone who thought the ride last night was going to be cancelled due to rain... you would be sadly mistaken.  Mono Cliffs was perfect.  Lots of sun and dry trails....

Tyler, Ian, William, Colin, Mike, Anthony, Johnny, Mark, and Max made it out....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Tuesday May 21st, 2013
Location: Mansfield - upper parking lot
Time: 6:30pm
Ride Type: Fun Touring / Learning Ride
Weather: Currently looks not bad, seems to be the storms will push through noonish and we will be okay for the evening.


Date: Wednesday May 22nd, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs - Barn parking lot
Time: 6:00pm - Normal Ride
Time: 6:15pm - Fun Touring / Learning Ride - Note new ride start time!!!!
Ride Type: FUN
Weather: Chance of some showers and a t-storm... see what the day holds....


Weekend Ride
Tentative - Sunday May 26th, 2013
Location: Buckwallow
Time: TBD (I have my brothers wedding the night before, so I will be drinking and hungover for sure!!!)
Weather: Currently the weather looks good, 18C and sunny!


If anyone is planning a ride and wants company, please either add a comment to the post, or email Tyler or Johnny.... 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Weekend Rides

Date: Sunday May 19th, 2013
Location: Kalopore
Time: 10:30am ride start
Breakfast: 8:30 Country Cabin - contact Johnny if you plan on joining.  If you dont call no seat for you.
Forecast: Sun cloud mix - 23 degrees feels like 27 degrees

From discussions on Wednesday, it will be an expedited ride, as people have things to do Sunday afternoon.  


Date: Sunday May 19th, 2013
Location: Shaws Maple Forest 
Parking: Bass Lake Rd and 7th Line Inetersection
Time: 10am
Length: 15km (1.5hrs)
Forecast: Sun cloud mix - 23 degrees feels like 27 degrees

This ride is put on by Doug and Hayley... Great group of people to ride with!


Date: Monday May 20th, 2013
Location: Simcoe County School Board Office
Parking: Hwy 26, across the road from the Simcoe County Museum, close to the intersection of Hwy 26 and Bayfield Street.
Time: 10am
Length: 15km (1.5hrs)
Forecast: Sun cloud mix - 24 degrees feels like 30 degrees

This ride is another ride put on by Doug and Hayley... Weather looks to be good this weekend... get out and ride.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday Ride Report

Date: Monday May 13th, 2013
Location: Primrose

Tyler, Johnny, William, and Max had a great ride in Primrose.  Don't normally ride Primrose, and if we did, it was usually on a weekend, so it was very nice to get out and do a quick lap there.  Only about 11km, but feels a lot more with the long gradual and long steep climbs....

But climbs always equate to downhills which are a lot of fun!!!

Temperature was a little chilly to start, but we warmed up quickly with the first climb, which feels like puke hills big brother...

The end of the loop brings you up to the pinnacle which allows for great views in all directions...

All in all a great ride! Look forward to riding there more often for sure!

The ride finished off with a beer down by the river!

Beer Review: Sam Adams Latitude 48 IPA

Yet again another edition of the almost semi world famous beer review.  As always this will be bias....  This edition of the beer review will cover Sam Adams Latitude 48 IPA, a product of their Hopology series....  

First Impressions: At the end of the ride at Primrose, a much needed refreshing beer was in order, and this was all I had in the car so it had to do.  My first impression was that I was thirsty and needed something to drink... It hit the spot for sure.

I did not have a glass handy, drank it straight out of the bottle, so I'm not sure what the appearance of the beer was.. if it is anything like other IPAs, it probably would have a cloudy amber beer colour finish...  you can use your imagination, or buy a case and try for yourself...

This initial tasting of the beer was a good mouthful... like I said, I was thirsty after the ride... The beer was chilled, not cold, not warm, sort of in the middle of the temperature range, which to be honest I think worked better for this beer.  It kept it smooth, not too carbonated, or anything like that..

I'm not sure what I would compare this beer to. It was not as hoppy as a Boneshaker from Amsterdam, but it did have noticeable hops...  it also seemed to have a bit of a citrus taste as well.  A good after ride beer for sure. 

Would I buy a case of this beer: Yes I would... probably a 6 pack at a time though... 
Did it taste good: Yes! all beers taste good in their own way....
What was your initial thought when you drank the beer: A great way to finish off the ride by the river....
Was the beer Hoppy: There was... not a significant amount of hops, but still a good hop balance... 

Score: 4.3 out of 5

Monday, May 13, 2013

Upcoming Ride Guide

Date: Monday May 13th, 2013
Location: Primrose (not Palgrave)
Time: 6pm
Secret Training Ride

- Parking will be on Prince of Wales Rd, just north of Hwy 89, by the bridge.  If you have a problem finding it, please contact Tyler or Johnny.


Date: Tuesday May 14th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest - upper parking lot
Time: 6:30pm
Fun Touring/ Learning Ride


Date: Wednesday May 15th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6pm & 6:30pm
Fun Touring / Learning Ride

6pm will be the normal mono loop
6:30pm will be a touring/learning fun loop


Date: Friday May 17th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest - Upper parking lot
Time: 6:30pm
Secret Training Ride


Date: Weekend Ride
Location: TBD - Based on Wednesday ride decision.

Weekend Ride Report

Date: Sunday May 12th, 2013 (Mothers Day)
Location: Dufferin Forest

We had a great ride in the rain/snow/sun... Tyler, Johnny, Karen and Jenny rode Mansfield as with all the rain Kalopore rocks would not be fun for all....

The day turned out to be a great day to do some trail maintenance and have a nice ride....

Headed out towards the north of 20 trail, took out the big pine that had fallen over the winter..  cleaned some sections of the trail up. Jenny and Karen rode over the bridge that Johnny Bernie and Ralph made up..

Over the course of the ride we did experience a mix of weather conditions... Started with some snow, turned to rain, the sun came out a few times, than back to snow, and more snow... nothing accumulating, but just a shock for a May ride....

Our loop continued down Ken's Trail, Steve's Trail, up the Trail to Nowhere, then finish on the lollypop, and then the stick out...

All in all was a great ride, good time to practice on some logs and skinnys...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

weekend ride update


For this weekends ride, please msg Tyler or Johnny to get an update on ride location.

Weather dependent the ride may be moved to Mansfield.



Karens Words of Wisdom

I am in competition with no one, I run (ride) my own race.
I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way shape or form.
I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before.
That's me and I am free!!!!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weekend Ride

Date: Sunday May 12th, 2013
Location: Kalopore
Time: Noon

Hi all,
This week we have 2 different rides on Sunday.
The first will be at Kalopore.
A few people will be meeting for breakfast at the Country Cabin at 9am...
Ride Start Time will be noon.
Weather looks chilly at 7C, but sunny....

Afterwards, the origional plan of a massive party at Senn's house has been cancelled.... odds are people may be heading over to the Beaver and Bulldog in Collingwood.  This will be discussed during the ride...

Date: Sunday May 12th, 2013
Location: Midhurst School Board Office
Time: 10am

This ride is put on by Doug and Hayley.. Some people have ridden with them before, great group of riders.
Ride location will be in the parking lot at the Midhurst school board office.  If you dont know where the board office is, it is located across the road from the Simcoe County Museum on Hwy 26, right near the intersection of 26 and Hwy 27.

There will be a tailgate party afterwards in the parking lot.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

24hr Team - 10 Person

Hi All,

Currently Team van go has a 10 person team that we are trying to fill up.
I think currently there are a few guys signed up.

Not sure the cost... everything can be found on the below website.

The team is a fun team, so if you want to join up, let either Tyler or Derek know.

Thanks to Derek for setting up the team.

Please throw your name into the hat cause as soon as the spots fill that will be it.

Currently there is a 5 person team van go team, and I think Derek requested the sites to be together to make the camping experience more fun.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Race Report: Sausage Suit ITT

Date: May 5, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest
Weather: Perfect!!!


This past weekend was the Sausage Suit ITT, both for the 15km and the 30km races were held by Substance projects at Dufferin Forest.  Like always Dan put on a great event running all the normal trails that we are use to running!

In the 15km race we had Jenny, Karen, Ralph and Wendy supporting Team Van Go.  From all the stories at the end of the race, everyone seemed to have a great time.  Jenny was able to Podium for team van go, grabbing the 3rd spot in Womens open class.

At 1pm, the 30km race had a fair amount of Team van goers... Tyler, Johnny, Bernie, Jeff, Ian, Mike, Chris, Don, and Dave competed in the Open Men, and Men 40+ categories....

Johnny and Tyler both had the speakers mounted providing some good tunes for people to listen too!

The first lap temperatures were warm, and down Ken's and Steve's trail the heat really hit you... most people went out like jack rabbits...

The idea of having a 1min interval between riders is great as for the most part you don't see or pass any people and have the singletrack all to yourself... hence the music is a great feature!!!

At the end of the day, team van go had 2 spots on the podium in the men 40+... Johnny came away with a 2nd place finish and Jeff 3rd....

Need to give a big thanks to everyone who stuck around for the 30km!  Karen, Emily, Julie, Colin, Ralph, Wendy, Chrissy, Christine, and the Coulter!

Also, after the event thank you to Johnny, Jeff, Chrissy and Karen for supplying the Sausage and French Fries... They were a massive hit for everyone! Definitely hit the spot after the race for sure!!!

A great day overall for everyone!!

Thanks again to Dan and Substance projects for the great day as always!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Updated: Upcoming Ride Guide

Monday Ride - Cancelled

Wednesday May 8th, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 6pm main ride / 6:30pm shorter ride
Fun Training / Touring Ride

Weekend Ride

If Someone is planning a ride and wants it added just add it to the comments and I'll bring it up to the main link....

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sausage Suit ITT - Last Reminder

Date: Sunday May 5th, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest - upper parking lot
Time: 10am for the 15km race, 1pm for the 30km race

Hi All,

This is the last reminder for the Sausage Suit ITT for this weekend put on by Substance Projects.

If you have not registered yet, there is still time, as well you can register the day of the race.

Johnny will be bringing a BBQ so if you want something thrown on afterwards, also, I think there will be a few sausauges here and there too.

The race for the 15km is 1 big lap, where the 30km race is 2 laps of the 15km... For people not good at math, 15km for Lap 1 + 15 km for Lap 2 = 30km....

See everyone Sunday Sunday Sunday....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride Report

Date: Wednesday May 1st, 2013
Location: Dufferin Forest

We had a great group come out for the Wednesday night ride.  We had about 17 people out for the ride..

The ride consisted of Pre-riding the race course for Sundays Sausage Suit ITT.

The group seemed to split into 3 smaller groups, but was fun nonetheless...

For anyone doing the race on Sunday, the course is great!! Fun with some climbs, but at the end of the day, will be a great day out on the bikes.

Random Photo

Photo From Derek in South Carolina