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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday Ride Report

Date: Monday May 13th, 2013
Location: Primrose

Tyler, Johnny, William, and Max had a great ride in Primrose.  Don't normally ride Primrose, and if we did, it was usually on a weekend, so it was very nice to get out and do a quick lap there.  Only about 11km, but feels a lot more with the long gradual and long steep climbs....

But climbs always equate to downhills which are a lot of fun!!!

Temperature was a little chilly to start, but we warmed up quickly with the first climb, which feels like puke hills big brother...

The end of the loop brings you up to the pinnacle which allows for great views in all directions...

All in all a great ride! Look forward to riding there more often for sure!

The ride finished off with a beer down by the river!

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