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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Weekend Ride

Location: TBD
Date: TBD
Time: TBD

I myself will be skiing in Quebec this weekend, but I know Johnny will be back from his nice warm sunny vacation to come back to the negative temperatures and jump on a bike, instead of sitting on a beach.

To think the change in weather, shorts and T-shirts, to Down Jackets and snow pants....

Anyways, keep an eye on the comments section of the Blog to find out ride details.

Have a great weekend!

Beer Review: Wadadli Premium Gold Lager

Special Beer Review by Johnny and Karen
From Antigua

First Impressions: It's Beer on a beach so it is great by default!

The first beer tasted like all the rest of them..... beer on a beach!!!

When poured into a glass it looked like peer on a patio... again being February, great by default!

Tasted a lot like beer and one that we could both enjoy..

Would I buy a case of this beer: Already did

Did it taste good:  It's beer on a beach!

What was your initial thought when you drank the beer:  I'm drinking beer on the beach!

Was the beer hoppy:  Did I mention that I'm having beer on a beach!

Score:  Judging by the snow pics... 25cm out of 25cm!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Mansfield (Dufferin Forest)
Feb. 27th, 2013
6pm Ride start

Hi All,

There will be a Wednesday Night Ride (February 27th)...

Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us and try and get a ride out in Mansfield.  Gonna be on the snowmobile trail...

Parking in  the upper parking lot.

Weather looks like 0C and flurries.... so actually not that bad!

See everyone there.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Beer Review: New Belgium Brewing Fat Tire Ale

Another episode of the beer review, I have been slacking on the Blog, so what a way to come back with a good review.  Oh yes, last week I was able to get my hands on a few pints of Fat Tire Amber Ale!!! I must say it was glorious!! So this will be a great review that's for sure.

I was able to get the pints in Virginia, and for the hefty price of 3$ for a 22oz glass, I was not complaining....

First Impressions.... the first glass didn't last long, so first impressions were I was very thirsty.... so the second glass I had a bit more time (not much) to enjoy the glass.  The beer had a nice almost caramel colour,  and when poured into a chilled glass it looks so tasty!!!!

The initial taste was like having a party in my mouth.... The beer was very very smooth, and no bitter taste or strong hops or anything like that.

I don't make it a habit of smelling the beer, so to be completely honest, I didn't smell it.... So to give an idea to people think of the best smell you have every smelt, then double the goodness.....

If I could, I would be buying cases of this beer and stock piling it. You would be able to drink too much of this beer, which at the end of the day could be a bad thing, but a good thing all at the same time.

Would I buy a case of this beer: Yes!!
Did it taste good: Yes!!
What was your initial thought when you drank the beer: This is the best thing since sliced bread!
Was the beer Hoppy: Not really hoppy, but damn good.

Score: 5 out of 5

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Saturday February 16th, 2013
Mansfield to Creemore Pub Ride

Johnny and Tyler decided to do a nice ride, starting up at the Dufferin Parking lot and finishing at the Creemore pub... what a great finish by the way!!!

Karen and Sadie ran at Dufferin, which sounded like they had fun, before the groomer passed them and chewed up the trails a bit.

The trail choice was thought out after the Wednesday night ride... Standing infront of the snowmobile trail map and looking at the Sign "Creemore 25km", thought process was beer...

Weather was nice, a little chilly to start, about -10C or so, and overcast. Wanted to start early enough to try and beat the snowmobile traffic..  The trails at the start were a little soft, but you could find a spot on the sides to get enough traction and float on the snow.

Passed a few sleds at the beginning of the ride, just after crossing airport road, but after that it stayed somewhat quiet for a little bit.  Trails turned out to be in great shape from that point on.

It was a very interesting ride, part of which you were enjoying the trail and the other part keeping an ear out for sleds because they come up on you very quickly.

Every once and a while when you passed a sled we stopped and chatted with them.  Most commented about the fat tires, and that they dont normally see people on bikes on the trails.

Once we hit Glencairn we knew the pub was getting close!!!

By this point of the ride, the sun had started to peek out and we were able to do a bit more down then up.

We had Emily and Karen meeting us at the Pub to pick up us and our bikes.

The total ride ended up being 28km and about 2hrs of riding time.

Next ride we may have to choose a different start and finish, but the idea was great!!

Comment of the Ride: "PUB"

Fat Tire Trail Rating: 5 out of 5
Runners Trail Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weekend Ride

Saturday Feb 16th
Mansfield to Creemore ride
Start Time: 10am

Hi All....
We are planning on doing a ride, starting at Johnny's house and riding the snowmobile trail to the Creemore pub... estimated ride time, 2.5hrs... hopefully, and 25km...

Weather; -8C and partially cloudy

Mike is not able to ride, so if anyone is interested in joining us, please send Mike an email or call, he said he'd lend his fatty out for someone as he is working....

Johnny will update on this post with trail conditions update tomorrow...

Fat Tire Trail Report

Wednesday Night Ride
Mansfield Snowmobile Trail
February 13th, 2013

Again the dream continues... Still riding wednesday nights...
Tyler, William, Mike, Johnny and Max were out for yet another great ride.... for some of us....

We decided to stick to the snowmobile trails as for the fat bikes they were not too bad... if you were able to find a spot and stay near the edges where the sleds haven't been riding, you were able to get a good head of steam....

For William on the skinny tire bike it was a bit more of a struggle, but props to him for plowing along and doing the whole ride...

One nice point that Johnny brought up is that we have now rode through the hump of light... We rode in the light into the dark, then we did the transition through starting our ride in the dark, and we are now back to starting a ride in the light and then turning the lights on... This is a great thing to start to notice... gives you a little bit of hope that warmer rides are in the near future!!!

Comment of the Ride: "the vibrations kinda feel good" while riding the fat bikes on a section of road.....

Fat tire rating; 4.5 (-0.5 for not riding singletrack +0.5 because it was a lot of fun!)
Skinny tire rating: 2.25.... not as much fun....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Hi All,

There will be a Wednesday Night Ride (February 13th)...

After the snowshoe, and stumbling across the cross country ski trails, we are thinking to move the ride to Mansfield! With the way the weather has been, mild and then freezing, the snowmobile / cross country ski trails should be fairly hard packed.

Parking in  the upper parking lot.  Hopefully this time it will be plowed this time.

Weather looks like -7C and clear.... so actually not that bad!

See everyone there.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Guest blog!

Wednesday Night Ride
Mono Cliffs Park
February 6th, 2013

Well Wed night ride dream is still alive! Our smallest turn out so far but William, Johnny and Max were out to keep it all going.

It was nice to actually start the ride in day light, which was helpful as Johnny brought the wrong battery, the one that wasn't on the charger and started of with a yellow charge warning. No lights required until the clear (frozen) pond.  

The trails were as good as on Sunday as there was very little fresh snow and more hikers had been out to pack it down. We did the usual loop, skipping the upper loop as it was also the coldest ride I think so far.  Nothing eventful, the ride went very smoothly and was definitely at a quick pace! The dead battery held up for the ride on low power (thanks to William for lighting up the night for me) changing from a yellow warning to a red warning part way through (another reason for the quick pace).

We enjoyed a beer after the ride.  Mini beer review...Wiliam supplied the beer, Granville Island I think, and it was very tasty, with a hint of chocolate and a hint of coffee (which came from my coffee cup!).  A very suitable beer for a cold winter evening. Overall a great night on the trails.

Fat tire rating; 4.8
Skinny tire rating: 4.8

(not 5 'cause we didn't get to ride all the trails and we were missing some of our friends!)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wednesday Night Ride

Hi All,

There will be a Wednesday Night Ride (February 5th)... After the weekend ride, there is hope that the trails will still be in as good as shape as they were then.  A little dusting of snow would be perfect just to keep traction for everyone.

Parking off of the 3rd line by the barn as normal.

Weather looks like -12C and clear....

See everyone there.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fat Tire Trail Report

Sunday Ride
Mono Cliffs Park
February 3rd, 2013

We were able to fit in another ride...Johnny, Tyler, Jeff, Ian, Max rode, Karen and Jenny ran on the really really nice day.   We did not expect to have another ride that would rate in the 5's but we did!!!

The trails were in absolute perfect condition!!! There was only a few icy patches under the snow but the rest of the trails were pristine.

The trail condition allowed us to do the Monoburrito.... which is the standard loop at mono, including the fridge trail, and the upper loop. Total ride length was about 23-24km... Weather was not too bad, sunny and -9C. 

A cameo appearance by Ian and his new 29er was a pleasant surprise  It was nice to get back on the bikes after a short hiatus. 

Not too many hikers on the trails either, so we pretty much had the park to ourselves. 

After the ride, headed over to the Mono pub for a bit of a warm up and a pint or two...

Comment of the ride: "As smooth as frozen cheese curds"

Fat Tire Rating: 5 out of 5 

Skinny Tire Rating: 5 out of 5 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekend Ride

Sunday February 3rd, 2013
Location: Mono Cliffs
Time: 11am ride start

Hi All,

This weekends ride will be at Mono Cliffs park, 11am start.

Based on the weather lately the best bet seems to be Mono for this weekend.  Hopefully there will be some hikers packing down the trail to make it rideable for both skinny and fat tires alike.

Need to keep the ride a week on...

Hope to see everyone out there.

Current Weather Forecast for Saturday: -4C and flurries